Welcome to the September 2023 edition of Google’s Local Services Ads Partner Updates. Here’s what you need to know:
Google’s Local Services Ads is continually testing and exploring ways to enhance the experience for advertisers and users. You may notice improvements to our user interface (UI) and ad format, along with occasional experiments to test new features before full deployment. Here are the latest updates:
There have been changes in the healthcare vertical:
Your LSA dashboard’s Profile & Budget section may recommend adding new service areas if Google believes broader targeting will be beneficial for your business.
Local Services Ads is now available for legal firms and estate agents in the United Kingdom. You can find more information in Google’s blog post.
Google has eliminated the option for manual selection of cover photos. Instead, Google will automatically display the photo it deems most relevant and engaging. Any previously added “cover photo” will now be shown in the “others” photo album.
If you have any inquiries or need further assistance, please consult the Local Services Ads on Google Help Page, or get in touch with our Local View team for comprehensive guidance.