Welcome to the February edition of Google’s Local Services Ads Partner Updates. Here’s what you need to know:
We’d like to inform you about upcoming changes to Google Ads and LSA policies. Some provider accounts may be affected by these changes. Accounts with policy violations have received notifications and must resolve these violations to continue displaying LSA ads. These notifications will appear on the new Policy Manager page within providers’ dashboards.
Please note that garage door and locksmith providers that have successfully passed Advanced Verification in LSA and were flagged for ‘local services’ policy violations do not need to take any action. For accounts without Advanced Verification, the Policy Manager will also display the ‘Minimum Provider Requirements’ card to indicate that verification is incomplete.
Starting this month, messaging functionality will be enabled for new providers (non-MCC accounts) signing up on Local Services Ads. Messaging offers several benefits:
Google is continually working to enhance the Local Services Ads experience. Recently, a feature has been added to allow people to book consultations directly through Local Services Ads for law firms and real estate agents. Lawyers can sign up through Lead Connecter, and real estate agent businesses can sign up through Lead Connector or Followup Boss.
If you have any inquiries or need further assistance, please consult the Local Services Ads on Google Help Page, or get in touch with our Local View team for comprehensive guidance.